For When You Feel Stuck

Have you ever failed to do an update on your phone or computer just to realize why the update was recommended? Glitches. Processing speeds. New features. We've all been in a spot with technology where the next best option is a reboot. Turn it off. Turn it back on. Hope for the best. And if the updates and reboots don't work, back to the factory settings we go.

And maybe that's one of the best approaches for when we feel stuck - a factory reset. Back to JUST US - without all the extras. Back to our sweet spots, the things that make us us. Taking action that's in alignment with our natural giftedness may be the easiest path to getting unstuck.

Each of us are one of the following: a relator, a doer or a thinker. We either lead with relationships, action-taking or systematic thinking. If we know where we are most dominant, we can more quickly get unstuck by leaning further into that area.

Using this link (, you can take a brief assessment to reveal if you're a relator, doer or thinker. Understanding where you are dominant will equip you better for any season of business you face, but particularly in the stuck seasons. You'll be able to more clearly see the path forward.

When relators feel stuck, they may find it helpful to connect with others - grabbing coffee with a friend, hearing someone's story or offering a word of encouragement to a colleague.

When doers feel stuck, they may find it helpful to let themselves dream big about the future, get their bodies moving outside or participating in a brain dump onto paper.

When thinkers feel stuck, they may find it helpful to get some quiet time to detail out the next steps in their plan or assess why they're in the season they're in. They may also find it helpful to ask deeper, more clarifying questions around what they are or aren't doing.

It's not uncommon for us to think that getting unstuck will require us to be stretched beyond our limits and pushed into a place that's really uncomfortable. But what if it's easier than that? What if getting unstuck just looked like you being more of yourself? What if it meant honoring what you're naturally good at? What if you paused on the push to be all the other things? It's easy to imagine why a relator may feel stuck when they've been pulled into being a doer or a thinker. Or why a thinker may be stuck in throws of relating or action taking.

The next time you're stuck - pull back, factory reset and do something that is 100% within your giftedness. Whether you're a relator, doer or thinker, simply take action that aligns with your giftedness. And if you're finding that you are stuck often - perhaps changes need to happen in how you're running the business. Maybe you've given yourself a role that isn't in alignment with how you think and how you take action. I'd encourage you to take 10-15 minutes today and take the MindScan Assessment (complimentary just for you!) to dive into what your factory reset could look like.

*The MindScan Assessment is Nobel-Prize Nominated resource I use in coaching engagements because of its propensity to easily give you a deeper understanding of yourself and your gifts. It allows you to more clearly understand how you think and act - which has a direct impact on how you show up, how you sell, how you operate, how you build relationships, how you thrive and how you pursue your goals. Upon completion you'll receive a note from either myself or Lindsay, along with access to your results! Happy exploring!

And before you go, if you know someone that feels stuck or is in a challenging season - click forward & pass this along.

We truly are better together.


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