The Surprising Way I Grew My Business
What might surprise you about how I launched my coaching practice is that I did it for $50 and with no focus on selling.
Why only $50? Well, I didn't have much more than that to work with and wasn't willing to dig a hole to launch my business. Why didn't I focus on selling? I was scared to sell. I didn't want to come across as 'salesy' and frankly, didn't feel like I knew how to sell.
So, to launch my coaching business, I did what actually excited me. Instead of trying to duplicate what was successful for others (and terrifying to me), I stayed true to myself and the season I was in.
I gathered people together and taught them something.
Specifically, I gathered female entrepreneurs in my area and hosted a networking night at a local coffee shop. I called up the owner and asked if I could grab a few tables one evening and offer up a time of networking to people in our community. I didn't have to pay to reserve the tables and I didn't offer to pay for the drinks of all the guests (hello, $50 budget…keep reading to see where I did spend my money). My offer was simple. Come, grab yourself a coffee, mingle with other local business owners, share about your business and learn 3 referral strategies.
I didn't have a big marketing plan or an 8 week ramp up to build hype. I had Facebook and the contacts list in my phone. I made an event on Facebook and shared it to local groups. I had no way to know who would come, if anyone. A handful of people used the RSVP feature, but that was it. I was in for a shock.
Here are screenshot snippets of the actual graphics I used for my marketing:
We all start somewhere, right?
On the day of the event, I remember having no idea if anyone would show up. I didn't know how many networking question sheets to print or how many goodie boxes to pack. I spent my $50 on some DIY small gift boxes for each of my guests. I went to the local craft store and got supplies to make a small jar of lavender clay face mask. I assembled small gift boxes and placed the mask inside with a handwritten gift tag on top. Here's what they looked like:
I arrived at the coffee shop incredibly nervous. I jokingly told the barista that it may just be me and him. I shared that this event may totally flop and I would still get my coffee and stay the whole time, even if just by myself. And then the door opened. Again and again it opened. It opened so much that by the end of the night, we had over FORTY women join us. I ran out of gift boxes. Here's a picture of some of the group from that night:
Mister Changs Networking Event
Since that night, I haven't intentionally tried to grow my business any other way. I have always stayed true to my passion and my giftedness - the process that feels most exciting to me. If I can gather people together, introduce them to one another and teach them something - I can trust the results to follow.
Have I focused on improving the way I teach and facilitate networking? Absolutely. Have I learned how to better provide clear next steps for people who want to partner together? For sure. Have I more strategically selected who I want to gather with? Yep. The foundation has strengthened over time, but it hasn't been swapped out. The foundation has always been made up of things that excite me and honor my passions and gifts.
So, here's where you'll find me - advocating for you to have a process. A process that's yours. A process that excites you. One that feels easy to execute and one that you can be loyal to. So often I am asked what others are doing to be successful … if only success was as simple as copy and paste. But, it's not. Maybe it's time to really sit down and craft plans that are yours. Maybe business doesn't have to feel this heavy after all.